Friday, December 18, 2009

The taste of home canning

Simply the Taste

After you have canned some you will see the difference in the taste…between commercially canned and home canned produce. The longer you wait to can any fresh produce it will lose not only taste but vitamins as well. We heard the other day that vegetables start losing their vitamins from the moment it is picked. By growing your own or purchasing from a local farmer or market, you can expedite the canning process.

We have a friend that will not eat green beans (recipe at unless they are fresh or some of our green beans! She cares nothing about cooking, but likes to eat our greens beans (along with other items we can). Whenever we are at a function or gathering which everyone brings a covered dish…her first question is “Miss Becky, are those your green beans”?

Be sure to check our other blog We want to able for you to have the success with your canning as we have experienced. Remember, you can send comments or ask us questions any time.

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